Advanced CSS Techniques: Creating a Dynamic Pi Animation
I was recently super inspired by an Instagram post from streetartglobe that showcased an intriguing animation: 12 steel balls each travel along a str...

Air Quality Index resources during wildfires
The Air Quality Index (AQI) is something you normally don't think about but due to the recent uptick in the wildfires on the west coast, and the inevi...

Add self hosted comments to your Gatsby blog using Schnack
If you want to host your own comments on your Gatsby blog, there are a few options out there. One of them that has not been documented well yet is usi...

JavaScript logical assignment operators deep dive
Logical assignment is the newest kid in the ES2020 block to come out of stage 4 proposal and it just got its first browser support with the Chrome 86 ...

Using CSS to detect and switch website themes to match system preferences
Thanks to the CSS Media Queries Level 5 spec, now there's a really easy and awesome way to match your website's color scheme with what a user has chos...