Picture in Picture JavaScript API example with Safari
You can toggle picture in picture mode on any video element using the new webkitSetPresentationMode method on the video element. This is currently su...
You can toggle picture in picture mode on any video element using the new webkitSetPresentationMode method on the video element. This is currently su...
Safari 4.0.4 iPad 1 Safari 5.1 iPad 2 Safari 5.1 iPad 3
Today I ran across this issue. You open Mail on your Mac running Lion with any IMAP email accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Thirdparty server) and Mac Mail rand...
Good news Emoji lovers! The new Lion OS from Apple, now includes the full color emoji font in Unicode 6.0 so you can now view and type the same emotic...
Looking for a dock, stand, frame, or other accessories to display your new iPad on your desk? Check out these top 10 beautiful and professional optio...
I just received an email from the Apple iPhone Developer Program notifying me of a new iPhone SDK, this being the second beta version (build 9A2151). ...
Safari 3.1 features improvements to the functionality for the Web Inspector developers tool. In now has an improved console for working with JavaScrip...
Apple released Safari 3.1 (525.13) for both Mac and Windows users today which comes with a bunch of changes and improvements over 3.0.x series. Here a...
The latest release of the iPhone SDK from Apple comes with an array of new Mac utilities for developing iPhone specific software. One of the new tools...
iPhon App Store Today, Apple has finally come out with it. Apple will run a store called App Store to sell your iPhone software for you to the genera...
Do you want to load your blog faster and cleaner on your iPhone? The iWPhone beta v0.1 is here. The good people over at ContentRobot have created this...
I have created a simple Simulator for the iPhone Safari (TestiPhone.com) web browser. You can use this to test you Web Applications and see how they m...
After playing with the iPhone this weekend I can say that its pretty darn cool. I'm quite impressed with the touch sensor and the rotation features, s...
From time to time you need to capture a web site in the form of an image. While you can easily use the Ctrl+Alt+PrtSc for windows or Command+Shift+4 i...
Gates and Jobs on Making a Mark in History, Look Back to '97, on Past Mistakes, on Partnering, Look to the Future, on Their Relationship and finally t...
Microsoft and Wow haven't gone hand in hand in a long time. Until now! Since, being first means everything, Microsoft's latest offering surfaced today...
From the User Experience documentation for Apple Developers: You should not use a brushed metal window if your application: Is a multi-window applica...
This is a list of the Free OSX Tiger software I use that kick major booty. No down payment, no monthly payment, No BS! Don't leave your mac without 'e...