JavaScript logical assignment operators deep dive
Logical assignment is the newest kid in the ES2020 block to come out of stage 4 proposal and it just got its first browser support with the Chrome 86 ...
Logical assignment is the newest kid in the ES2020 block to come out of stage 4 proposal and it just got its first browser support with the Chrome 86 ...
Thanks to the CSS Media Queries Level 5 spec, now there's a really easy and awesome way to match your website's color scheme with what a user has chos...
You can toggle picture in picture mode on any video element using the new webkitSetPresentationMode method on the video element. This is currently su...
Until ES2020, if you wanted to access nested properties of an object in JavaScript, you had to check for null or undefined at every level, or you woul...
This is a categorized list of all native JavaScript array methods and properties grouped by the type of tasks they perform. Mutating Add Remove Ad...
CSS in JavaScript gives us the ability to reduce and eliminate waste in our web development workflow. Using this new tooling gives us 3 new benefits. ...
React is changing the way we think about and write CSS. Today I gave presented a talk at Reactathon 2018 in San Francisco about 5 new Super Powers tha...
I gave a talk and workshop this year at SXSW on the topic of CSS in React The Good the Bad and The Ugly. Here are the slides from that talk. The work...
CSS has come a long way. We moved from CSS to Sass, to PostCSS. Now with the help of new build tools like Webpack and Rollup, CSS has plunged head fir...
Here is a presentation I did that is an overview of the LESS preprocessor. If you've been thinking about using a CSS preprocessor and are curios about...
Safari 4.0.4 iPad 1 Safari 5.1 iPad 2 Safari 5.1 iPad 3
If you're like most bloggers and site owners, you've probably already added or are planning to add the new Google +1 button to your website, to go alo...
Let's face it, without JavaScript the web would be a boring place. Unless you roll your own, well you need to use a library of some sort, and in most ...
Google Chrome Logo Yet another browser? Well here we go again. Let's take a look at Chrome and see what it has to offer. The download page is located ...
The arguments object in JavaScript is a local variable in any function that provides some nice features we can use in our code. Here is the list of it...
Safari 3.1 features improvements to the functionality for the Web Inspector developers tool. In now has an improved console for working with JavaScrip...
Apple released Safari 3.1 (525.13) for both Mac and Windows users today which comes with a bunch of changes and improvements over 3.0.x series. Here a...
Today I was looking for an unobtrusive method of determining a user's connection speed using JavaScript. A quick search on Google returned an array of...
The latest release of the iPhone SDK from Apple comes with an array of new Mac utilities for developing iPhone specific software. One of the new tools...
Here is a simple test to see if users have Firebug installed on their browsers. Obviously this would also weed out non-FireFox users. Demo: Sniff for...
Here is the simple form of an AJAX call made to an XML document, parsing through the returned document and and grabbing the a specific node from the D...
Lines of markup code per website are growing at a hurried pace these days. JavaScript and CSS files are getting bigger by the day. But you want to kee...
There is so much power packed into this little FireFox plug-in. It is truly a revolutionary tool for web developers. Here is a quick and dirty set of ...
Here is a php script that gets the Latitude and Longitude of any address using the google maps API. The original script comes from Ken. I just made s...
Download the script: exampleScript.js I've bee having fun using Grease Monkey to mess around with DHTML of websites in Firefox. My first shot was a v...